Friday 9 January 2015

Creating textiles


The freedom of drawing something and printing it on fabric is the most amazing thing i have ever experienced. As a fashion and textile student that is what i do all the time and i just love it. Drawing has been my passion since i was young and fashion is my inspiration. Anyway, in this post i will talk you through my project at my university as it is very exciting for me and i have created some very beautiful pieces which i am proud of.

My lovely friend and amazing model Hannah helped me to expose my designs and we had a lot of fun shooting. My inspiration was African prints as they are very diverse and bold in their colours and designs, so this gave me the chance to explore a wide range of ideas. As I always draw my prints first, I had a lot to work with after scanning my art. Using Photoshop and Illustrator also plays a big part in the process. The colour blue which is my favourite gave a great contrasting background for the other brighter colours  used on the prints. 

This scarf was my friend's favourite and one of my first head wraps from my collection. The blue was just giving an amazing contrast with her skin tone, so we both loved it and as you can see she was just feeling the summer vibes through the colours. The movement of the picture is also really effective because we were actually listening to music at that time...go go Fuse ODJ !!!

And last but not least my favorite cause i just adore the yellow and it brings to me a lot of memories from my lovely summer at home in Bulgaria and going to the beach. Anyway, we had a little bit of a struggle wrapping the scarves in the beginning and had to resort to youtube tutorials, but in the end we managed it. In this design I also used some graphic drawings I made as I enjoy working with Biro and pencils. 

So, that is what I do and I will be posting a lot more about it because I  just enjoy what I do and I am thankful to my gorgeous friend Hannah, who is always assisting me when i am presenting my work. 

See you soon people XOXO



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