Friday 9 January 2015

I literally cannot wait for summer...


Yay! Our first blog post! So, winter blues, chilly weather, biting wind, all these can make winter miserable especially if your house heating decides to play a hide and seek game with you. As I am writing, the wind outside is howling for our souls. I wore this outfit to uni a few days ago, spread some love  colour.

I have been looking for brown brogues for ages, I recall that Primark sells them, but they don't have a small heel and are rather too flat for my liking. I got these lovelies from BHS, and they will be seen a lot in my future posts as I am loving them! They are a good balance between comfort and style.

Below, I attempt to strike a pose and smile, I'm a bit rusty so please bear with me.

Have you all  noticed how tartan is literally everywhere, since autumn last year! I love it! Tartan coats, scarves and dresses (like the one I'm wearing (; )

A belated happy new year ! The first week of university after the very relaxed holidays was relentless with all the work I really should have done over christmas now piling up. I need hugs. Send me a hug, it will be much appreciated and cherished. I am excited to see my friends again though, Southsea is too quiet during the holidays. 

A lot of thanks to my good friend for taking the pictures, you can follow his instagram here


  1. I love your outfit...and those shoes!! I would love for you to check out my blog: where I put together some winter outfits as well!

  2. Thank you Yeonnie Kim. We will definitely check out your blog x



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